Tag «tasawwuf»

A Yameni Hanbali Sheikh’s first hand impressions of Darul Uloom Deoband

Maulāna Muhammad Anwarī Lā’ilpūrī says that the year in which he was studying hadīth under Hadhrat ‛Allāmah Anwar Shāh Kashmīrī rahmatullah ‛alayh at Darul Ulūm Deoband, ‛Allāmah ‛Ali al Yamanī thumma al Misrī, a hāfidh al hadīth, came for vacation to India. He came to Mumbai and then went to Randheir. In Randheir he met …

Dhikr by the name “Allah” is also a Dhikr

Hadhrat Maulāna Shāh Abdul Qādir Rāipūrī rahmatullāh ῾alayh was a student of Hadhrat ῾Allāmah Shāh Kashmīrī rahmatullāh ῾alayh. He mentions himself that he studied “Mulla Hasan” (1) and part of “Sunan Tirmidhī Sharīf” from Shāh Sāheb rahmatullāh ῾alayh. “While teaching he would jump from one topic to another, and I would have become gher muqallid …

῾Ālamgīr*’s tawādu῾ (humility) and adab (etiquette)

Maulāna mentions that ῾Ālamgīr rahmatullāhi ῾alayh used to write the Qur’ān with his own hands. Once a person saw him (writing) and said that such and such letter is incorrect. ῾Ālamgīr rahmatullāhi ῾alayh changed the letter even though the person was at fault, and (since that correction was incorrect) he took that page out and re-did it correctly once …

What it means to give ijāza (permissions) in Hizbul Bahr?

One person who had pledged on the hands of Maulāna Thānvī Rahmatullah ‛Alayh requested ijāza for the recitation of Hizbul Bahr. Maulāna answered that there was no need to seek ijāza in this matter. He insisted that he seeks ijāza for barakah. So Maulāna said “Very well, I make du‛ā’ that Allah gives you ability to practice upon it and accept that deed of yours.”

Only spend your time in important matters.

The realities of matters will manifest themselves after ones death, so much so that even the disbelievers will also come to know of them. Hence Allah Ta‛āla mentions  وَبَدَا لَهُمْ مِنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَمْ يَكُونُوا يَحْتَسِبُونَ “and there will become apparent to them from Allah, what they had not been reckoning.” (Qur’ān 39:47) So how gross …