Tag «Allah»

The meaning of ridding ones heart from Mā Siwā’ Allāh and a way to do so

In an answer to one Maulāna Saheb, Maulāna Ashraf Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi alayh said that it is not from amongst the statements of Muhaqiqīn (those with the insight) that one should first rid his heart from Mā Siwā’ Allāh (all that is besides Allāh) and thereafter instill Allāh’s remembrance in it. Whosoever believes this is greatly deceived. It is extremely difficult for a heart to be empty of Mā Siwā’ Allāh, and to think otherwise is a grave error.

Work of Tablīgh is not the duty of Ulamā alone

[Continuing from the talk of “Obligation of Tablīgh”, Maulāna Ashraf Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi alayh says]

dome_insideThese days some people have started to think that the work of tablīgh is the sole duty of ulamā. If it is the sole duty of ulamā then let these ulamā also keep fast on your behalf, and you may go ahead and live a life free of any religious restriction. This is just like some villagers used to think and perhaps there is still a place where similar thinking may exist….

This path (Tasawwuf) is useless without humility

In a discourse Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi rehmatullahi alayh said:

“Who so ever enters this path (Tasawwuf) and has not attained humility then he is absolutely devoid (of that which is acquired in this path). It is like marrying a woman of worldly honor, and wealth, but she is barren (unable to bear children) because the aim of the marriage was lost. She will lose face in the sight of the husband (despite her worldly wealth and respect). Similarly, to tread this path without perfecting humility in oneself is useless.1

Leaving the action of Tableegh

Perhaps some people may be thinking that we also give talks, and that fulfills the obligation of Tableegh. Just as I am giving this talk, I know the reality of the speech. No one just goes to a place and start giving a talk. One has to place a request, and then face a trail of excuses; sometimes it is a headache, sometimes the nose is hurting. I say that these excuses may be acceptable for a long speech, but what hindrance does a headache have with saying two statements (so that one can say a couple of sentences informing of deen, hence fulfilling the obligation)?