Tag «wine»

Fiqh of renting out a property

According to Imam Abu Hanīfa ramatullahi alayh, it is permissible for a Muslim to hire his property to a non-Muslim who sells wine. In contrast to this view, the view of Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad rahmatullah alayhima, the two famous students of Imam Abu Hanifa rahmatullah alayh is that it is not permissible. This is the view of the other three schools of thought.

Kayfiyāt (Feelings) though pleasurable, are not the aim (of this path of Tasawwuf).

[In a discourse Maulāna Ashraf Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi alayh said,]

I always say that although Kayfiyāt (feelings) and spiritual conditions are pleasurable but they are not the aim (of Tasawwuf), they are nonetheless a catalyst (towards the goal). In order to attain the goal, such pleasures are not necessarily required. Just like no one gets Wajd (condition of being immersed in ones state) in the prescriptions of Hakīm Ajmal Khan Sāheb, it (prescription) is however very helpful.