Tag «responsibility»

Leaving the action of Tableegh

Perhaps some people may be thinking that we also give talks, and that fulfills the obligation of Tableegh. Just as I am giving this talk, I know the reality of the speech. No one just goes to a place and start giving a talk. One has to place a request, and then face a trail of excuses; sometimes it is a headache, sometimes the nose is hurting. I say that these excuses may be acceptable for a long speech, but what hindrance does a headache have with saying two statements (so that one can say a couple of sentences informing of deen, hence fulfilling the obligation)?

Usool (Sources of Proof) in Shariah

While asking a question to an Alim some people put a condition that the proof should be referenced from Qur’an. Ulama also try to fulfill this request and struggle to establish their answer from Qur’an. However, when the Usool (Sources of Proof) in Shariah are four, Qur’an, Hadeeth, Ijmaa’ Ummah and Qiyas, then every Alim has a right to establish his answer either from Qur’an or from Hadeeth etc. How far would one go to establish proof from Qur’an? If all the masa’il (juristic problems) could be deduced from the Qur’an alone, then what would be the need for the remaining sources?…

Tableegh to ones family

[Continuing from the talk of “Obligation of Tableegh”, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi r.a says] “…(Our condition is such that When) men come home, they have no concern except getting angry at their wives either due to food or for (not) ironing ones clothes (etc.).  They will not say a single religious thing to their families. …

Obligation of Tableegh

“Allah (SWT) is giving us the commandment of tableegh (especially) with regards to this calamity of apostasy which is spreading widely (within our ummah). Tableegh needs to be done to those Muslim brothers who are caught in this calamity or have a fear of being caught.