Tag «ilm»

Chapter 3: Prospective Students

If you are a married student who wishes to come here and study at Madrassah, my sincere advice is to think beforehand. There are many aspects to look at before you make your decision. It is even harsher for the newlyweds. When I came here I was a newlywed and for me to leave my wife home alone for most part of the day was pretty hard. There are many reasons why it is so hard. Foreign students like us, have our own way of living which is a bit different then what this environment offers…

Correct Way of Attaining Secular Education

[In a talk expounding the need for attaining Quranic Education, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi r.a states]

“The correct method of attaining Secular Education is to:

Firstly, acquire religious education. One should consult an Alim and chart out a course for oneself.

Secondly, one should keep a connection with the company of Ulama.

Thirdly, refrain from reading books from different methodologies and only read the material of Ulama e Haqq.