Tag «need»

Interest: Mission Impossible?

I live in Canada and here the facility has been provided by the government to all residents for buying houses on mortgage (interest bearing loan). Being a muslim, I understand that mortgage is not allowed because of interest (Ribā). I would like to mention a few issues and seek your opinion on the subject matter:

Only spend your time in important matters.

The realities of matters will manifest themselves after ones death, so much so that even the disbelievers will also come to know of them. Hence Allah Ta‛āla mentions  وَبَدَا لَهُمْ مِنَ اللَّهِ مَا لَمْ يَكُونُوا يَحْتَسِبُونَ “and there will become apparent to them from Allah, what they had not been reckoning.” (Qur’ān 39:47) So how gross …

A non-practicing Muslim is also liable to do Tablīgh

[In the talk “Need for Tablīgh”, Maulāna Ashraf ῾Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi ῾alayh says]

…Let us look at an Ayah which has been used to take proof that no one should propagate dīn until he brings that action into his own life.

لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لَا تَفْعَلُونَ . كَبُرَ مَقْتًا عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَنْ تَقُولُوا مَا لَا تَفْعَلُونَ

Why do you say that which you do not do? It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you do not do. (61:2-3)

In reality these people have relied on the apparent translation only and have been deceived. They think that the Ayah is saying that an action which one is not doing himself, then he should not tell others to do that act, whereas that is completely incorrect. In order to understand Qurān in proper way we need to keep in mind the Asbāb un Nuzūl1 in mind.

Kayfiyāt (Feelings) though pleasurable, are not the aim (of this path of Tasawwuf).

[In a discourse Maulāna Ashraf Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi alayh said,]

I always say that although Kayfiyāt (feelings) and spiritual conditions are pleasurable but they are not the aim (of Tasawwuf), they are nonetheless a catalyst (towards the goal). In order to attain the goal, such pleasures are not necessarily required. Just like no one gets Wajd (condition of being immersed in ones state) in the prescriptions of Hakīm Ajmal Khan Sāheb, it (prescription) is however very helpful.

Work of Tablīgh is not the duty of Ulamā alone

[Continuing from the talk of “Obligation of Tablīgh”, Maulāna Ashraf Ali Thānvi rehmatullāhi alayh says]

dome_insideThese days some people have started to think that the work of tablīgh is the sole duty of ulamā. If it is the sole duty of ulamā then let these ulamā also keep fast on your behalf, and you may go ahead and live a life free of any religious restriction. This is just like some villagers used to think and perhaps there is still a place where similar thinking may exist….

Leaving the action of Tableegh

Perhaps some people may be thinking that we also give talks, and that fulfills the obligation of Tableegh. Just as I am giving this talk, I know the reality of the speech. No one just goes to a place and start giving a talk. One has to place a request, and then face a trail of excuses; sometimes it is a headache, sometimes the nose is hurting. I say that these excuses may be acceptable for a long speech, but what hindrance does a headache have with saying two statements (so that one can say a couple of sentences informing of deen, hence fulfilling the obligation)?