Tag «jumma»

Jumah Salah before Zawaal

According to the majority of Ulama’ the meaning of the hadeeth is that Rasulullah salallahu ῾alayhi wasallam would pray jummah right after the Zawaal of the sun (zenith). Hence, the time for Jummah Salah according to the majority is same as that of Dhuhr.
However Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal rahimahullah and some Ulama’ of Dhahiriyyah view Jummah Salah to be permissible even before the Zawaal. According to them the starting time of Jummah Salah is Dahwatul Kubra’

Language of the Khutbah

In substantial number of mosques in different parts of USA and some other western countries the Khutbah of Friday is delivered in English or other local languages. The present booklet is meant to fulfill the need and I hope that it will clarify doubts on the subject. I would request the readers to consider the points raised in this article with an impartial and unbiased approach….